Sonorous: Full Moon Concerts at the Klosterhof
Your spa hotel with live music in the moonlight
Modern, jazz, tango argentino, swing or blues – the Klosterhof has something for every ear. Audiences enjoy famous voices, talented up-and-comers and enchanting compositions in this beautiful, stylish venue in Bayerisch Gmain. Don’t miss the Klosterhof’s full moon concerts!
Music & events at the Klosterhof hotel
We have plenty of musical surprises in store for guests at the Klosterhof Alpine Hideaway & Spa. Whenever the full moon sits majestically in the sky over the mountains, the Klosterhof opens its doors for live concerts and musical performances.
Admission for non-hotel guests: € 19 includes aperitif
Tickets can be collected when you arrive at the Klosterhof.
Please call ahead to reserve seats: +49 8651 98250.
Hotel concerts with style
The ambience of a salon concert in the Klosterhof library creates a special connection between the audience and the music. Our calendar of events includes musical styles from all over the world, poetic singer-songwriters, and selected jazz concerts. “Our dream has always been to have everyone come together, listen to good music and sit at the bar or on the terrace afterwards to discuss what they’ve just experienced. And that creates the connections that so perfectly match our Klosterhof concept,” agree Henrike and Dr Andreas Färber. We have something for everyone!
We want not only to entertain our guests, but to offer the best performances and inspire them again and again with live music and more. The Klosterhof full moon concerts are sure to inspire you.