Medical Spa and Wellness in Bavaria
At the Artemacur Health Centre, personalised wellness and medical spa treatments are our priority. “We always want to walk a healthy path,” explains Dr Andreas Färber. As a doctor, he has dedicated his life to helping others get well and maintain their health. Klosterhof guests can also enjoy our medical spa in Bavaria, Germany with a wide range of services and excellent convenience. After all, passion and excitement come alive when you take a bit of health and happiness back home with you after your holiday.
Artemacur Health Centre: get and stay healthy on your holiday
- feel relaxation in our 1,500 m² Artemacur Spa with high-qualified spa team
- Health Centre & In-House Medical Consultation
- perfect combination of health & wellness
- secluded location in Berchtesgadener Land
- 1st hotel in Germany awarded the EU Ecolabel
- feel of weightless & deep relaxation at the floating pool
- Healthy culinary board – breakfast, lunch bowl buffet, GenussArt dinner including various innovative treats from plants.
- Medical nutrition concepts
- special fasting program: Liver fasting according to Dr. Worm & healthy weight loss

Our focus: your health
The Artemacur philosophy
Medical wellness at the Artemacur Health Centre focuses on the patient as a person and individual. Together with doctors and therapists, Dr Andreas Färber creates personalised concepts that incorporate not only diagnoses, but also potential future developments and a person’s current situation. With new philosophical perspectives, Dr Färber’s conceptual medicine can transform a patient’s quality of life. These new perspectives open new diagnostic approaches and therapeutic possibilities.
Stay at a hotel with doctor in Bavaria
The Klosterhof is the perfect spot for medical wellness and health holidays in Bavaria and an inspiring stay in a lovely setting. This is the perfect opportunity to stay healthy and lose weight on holiday without starving yourself. Take advantage of the mix of spa, wellness and health on your holiday at the Klosterhof!
Services at the Artemacur Health Centre range from diagnostics to therapy and integrating healthy practices into your everyday life:
- Diagnosis-based and centred medicine
- Personal training including customised fitness plan
- Healthy weight loss with Bodymed
- Liver fasting with the Dr Worm method
- Medical nutrition concepts including those for diabetes, heart disease and cancer
- Body fat measurement
- Exercise programme
- Mental coaching and burnout prevention
- Pain therapy with Liebscher & Bracht methods, osteopressure

Andreas Färber’s Artemacur Health Centre
Your host Dr Andreas Färber studied international health and worked in advisory bodies of the WHO and The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. In addition, he was active in development assistance, which taught him how to treat people with respect – and to appreciate what we have in life.
Dr Färber is a doctor by calling and has set up a small health centre in the historic building of the Klosterhof which guests are free to visit. He regularly holds health lectures at the Klosterhof. “We discuss fasting, mindfulness and enjoyment. That’s quite special because we often only truly enjoy life when we are mindful!” he says.

Pain therapy with the Liebscher & Bracht method
Developed by Liebscher & Bracht, osteopressure points help remove mis-programmed tension and pain. Our certified pain management therapist Gerlinde uses her hands to treat not only symptoms, but their cause, naturally. Using alarm pain receptors discovered by Liebscher & Bracht, pain points that act as biological information switches to the brain are targeted. The deadlocked pain is relieved with the osteopressure points, balance in muscles and fascia is restored and the pain is usually completely eliminated or greatly reduced in just a matter of minutes. This therapy is often used to treat joint pain and arthrosis. Very effective stretching exercises round out this therapy.
Please inform us ahead of your appointment about your pain and its location(s) to allow our therapist to best prepare for your visit.
Find yourself at the Artemacur Health Centre
A healthy life needs a strong mind. This is the only way to overcome life's lows. “We do not treat diagnoses, we treat the person from a different, often unconventional perspective,” explains Dr Färber. This is the guiding principle of the Artemacur Health Centre and helps people not only come back to health, but also find themselves. Old patterns are broken, and a new perspective of the human being as a whole – and not just his or her medical history – enables new diagnostic approaches and therapeutic possibilities.

“Good health is the most important thing in life!” Everyone has surely heard this before and it is true – the best things in life truly do come second to good health.